Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Holy Crap! This is awesome!

Having said all that, it does seem that, in a sense, what can't not be known has been forgotten. How could this be? "There is nothing wrong with the basic programming of conscience; the problem is in the interface, the human will." It is true that deep conscience cannot err, but in working out the remote implications, we can err, and worse we can lie to ourselves so that we create problems at the level of surface conscience. We rationalize our deeds, trying to make it appear that what we have done was actually right. When we do this we truly are set on a downward road, going from evil to evil. 

But it seems I suffer from a psychosis of sorts. I can't possibly understand the validity and significance of the above quoted.

BTW, this is from a review of the book, " " by . The review is at http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/195053146. 

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