Tuesday, May 26, 2009

MVC Frameworks and the softer sex

Thanx to one of Terry Chays' funny comments on Twitter, I got to thinking about Frameworks and women.

Andrei was right. Rails has women in it. I'm switching!

To which I repsonded....

Are you sure those are the kind of women you want? Big, slow, cumbersome, and overly complex?

I'm sure the hordes are rising from the altar even now to reign death upon me.

Anyway, what kind of women would you want anyway? Seriously! One that is big, slow, cumbersome, powerful, did I say slow, not very approachable, and uselessly complex or one that is lean, powerful, fast, easy to get to know and complex when need be(!!!)?

If your framework is one of the larger folk that's constantly returning to the salad bar to pack on more, errr....., features, well there you go.

Personally, I prefer the one that carries only what it needs. Yeah, I'll take the fitness model framework anyday. Codeigniter comes very very close to that in my opinion. However, a harvested procedural MVC (without the 'M') would be tops. I'll finish mine one day. ;-)

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