Friday, June 08, 2012

Noise and Regulation

And so it is that most everything is just noise. Endless reverberating seas of racket from the deep parts of individuals crying out for some sort of notice. For the fulfilling of some need. From the confused and fragmented cores upon which is built the individual in modernity, rife with variance and bingo on self reflection.

From emotion comes motion, which itself is based in the emotive, which we hold in balance with both a bios level birth given set of instructions and a civilizing code of operation (teaching). Or so it should be, for the one variable in the aforementioned equation is our teaching. That same variable that is increasingly broken, as we as a whole work our way back towards the brutish. That same variable that is increasingly tweaked with a core of variance. Teachings based on foundations of sand, that through the allowance of variance, lock out the absolutes of love, which with it's ever present companion called honest consideration, makes of it's teachings the only and eventual end of absolute and correct objectives.

The objecitve of choosing actions in line with love and consideration.

But what do I know? This is my own observation. If it's flawed, then I'll find it out. But as to being flawed, I suspect not, for the obejctive of love and it's wonderful and demanding side effects were not first reasoned or observed by I or any other man or woman. It is of divine utterance through the mouth of a tamed ass ridden by a king. The beginnings of civilized society lay in it's regulating effects.

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